Procurement related fraud is often committed against organisations by outsiders, as in the case of invoice misdirection, for instance. Other fraud can be highly sophisticated, involving multiple people inside and outside the organisation. But insiders working alone are frequent perpetrators too, and approving invoices from a fake supplier that is actually owned by the member of staff involved is perhaps the most common purely internal procurement fraud. Or the crime can be even more straightforward – as in the case of simply buying stuff with the organisation’s money, then stealing it, usually to resell.

There are many examples of these basic frauds in my Bad Buying book, and it is interesting to note the drivers for this sort of criminal action.  Getting into debt, often gambling related, is one common driver. Pure greed and the desire for the finer things in life – nice cars, big houses and so on – is a pretty generic motivation. There was the senior manager for instance who defrauded the UK health service in order to fund her stud farm and buy high quality horse semen! But often the driver is love and / or sex, and we see someone who is trying to impress a partner or potential partner, and that was the reason behind a recent British Army fraud.

Jed Charlot was jailed for three years recently after stealing half a million pounds worth of supplies from the Army in order to fund gifts such as a Louis Vuitton handbag and holidays for his mistress. He stole items such as printers and toner cartridges to sell on eBay after he told her he was rich, rather than an Army quartermaster probably earning £35K a year, working for the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME) in Wiltshire.

As a quartermaster sergeant in charge of stores, he used his MOD account from 2021 to order items, then sold them on. He placed 676 orders over a year and stole £498K worth of products, making £349K income from the sales. He was caught in 2022 when a civilian colleague was preparing for an operation in Germany and realised there was a shortage of printers.  She checked and found that the defendant’s unit had spent far in excess of the budget, and thought, ‘that seems odd…’ Well done to her!

Charlot claimed initially that his MOD account had been hacked but that excuse didn’t stand up for long. It is a sad story really. Charlot was ‘genuinely remorseful’, he had reacted badly to pressures in his life (his lawyer said) and his previous conduct in the Army and Police before that was exemplary. But theft it theft.

The large number of orders was presumably his way of avoiding more scrutiny. I suspect there was a sign-off threshold, maybe at £1000, where someone else would have needed to authorise the order. So keep it below that level and there is less chance of detection. Maybe someone should have checked the budget sooner, but at least it was spotted after a year or so. Another NHS case in my book which was similar saw a women stealing increasingly large quantities of supplies such as printer cartridges from a health organisation for about 5 years before anyone noticed!

So how do we mitigate the risks of such actions? Regular checks on orders, even relatively low value, should be implemented. That might be random rather than 100% for really low value transactions, but staff should know that they might be examined. Scrutiny of budgets and a close look at any areas of overspend is key – the lack of that oversight in the NHS example was shocking. Maybe better use of data, perhaps even using AI, could help to detect unusual spend patterns by comparing the purchases of different people or cost centres.  

But sadly, there will always be someone who is tempted by easy money, particularly if their judgement is clouded by l’amour.   

The UK Ministry of Defence (MOD) recently announced a significant contract with Rolls-Royce, aimed at ensuring the continued operational readiness and effectiveness of the country’s nuclear submarine fleet. The eight-year Unity contract brings together all elements of research and technology, design, manufacture and in-service support of the nuclear reactors that power the Royal Navy’s fleet of submarines.

The Government’s press release contains a fair amount of hype as you might expect – this contract is not quite as ground-breaking as it at first sounds. It looks like it ‘tidies up’ a number of contracts with the firm, preserving 4000 existing jobs and there may / should be another 1000 by the end of the contract. The contract is worth some £9 billion and there are ‘savings’ claimed of £400 million over 8 years, although clearly we won’t know for some years whether those are real. And of course the process leading to the contract started way before the new Labour government came into power last summer. However, this is an important contract, with some interesting procurement issues thrown up along the way for us to discuss.

At a strategic level, the Unity contract is designed to ensure that the UK’s submarine fleet remains at the cutting edge of naval defence capabilities. (My late father in law was one of the key designers of Britain’s nuclear subs back in the 1960s, by the way). Given the critical role that submarines play in national security, including deterrence and intelligence-gathering functions, it is vital that these vessels are kept in optimal condition. The contract encompasses a wide range of maintenance activities, from routine inspections to major overhauls, enhancing flexibility, the operational availability and longevity of the vessels. Rolls Royce are of course already a key service provider and an established leader in this field – as well as one of relatively few leading edge UK-based defence champions.

Positives for the MOD

So the Unity contract presents several significant advantages for the Ministry of Defence.

1. Enhanced Operational Readiness

One of the primary benefits of the contract should be the enhancement of the operational readiness of the submarine fleet. The contract’s comprehensive scope means that all aspects of submarine maintenance are covered, minimizing the risk of operational downtime.

2. Cost Efficiency

By entering into a long-term contract with Rolls-Royce, the firm should be able to plan and manage resource better, which should translate to cost benefits for MOD. Long-term agreements often result in better pricing and more predictable budgeting, as opposed to ad-hoc maintenance arrangements. Additionally, the contract allows for economies of scale, with Rolls-Royce able to streamline processes and reduce costs over the duration of the agreement. In theory, anyway.

3. Expertise and Technological Advancements

Rolls-Royce’s extensive experience and expertise in submarine systems provide a reliable foundation for the contract. The firm is at the forefront of technological innovation in the defence sector. Through this contract, the MOD should ensure access to competent ongoing service performance AND new cutting-edge technologies and methodologies.

Potential Risks

While the Unity contract offers benefits, there are always risks with any long-term single-supplier-type contract.

  • Dependency on a Single Supplier  – One of the primary risks in all contracts like this where the supply market is limited is the dependency on a single supplier for such critical services. Should Rolls-Royce encounter operational or financial difficulties, the MOD could face significant challenges in ensuring the continuity of submarine maintenance.
  • Supplier complacency  – once any supplier is in possession of a long term contract, they can become complacent. (I know someone who worked in the RR submarine division quite recently, and based on their experience it was not exactly a beacon of dynamic, innovative and diligent work practices).
  • Cost Overruns – Long-term contracts can often result in cost overruns and budget-busting additional work, particularly if the scope of work evolves or unforeseen issues arise (almost inevitable in the case of defence).
  • Technological Obsolescence – The rapid pace of technological advancement in the sector means that there is always a risk of current systems becoming obsolete.
  • Geopolitical Factors  – These can also impact the execution of the contract. Changes in international relations, trade policies, or military priorities could influence the availability of resources or the strategic focus of submarine maintenance efforts.


While Rolls-Royce is known for its innovation, and frankly there probably wasn’t much alternative here, MOD will need to:

  • remain vigilant and ensure that the contracted maintenance work incorporates the latest technologies and best practices;
  • closely monitor expenditures and ensure that the work remains within budget, and that change processes are fair but do not lead to major additional costs for the taxpayer;
  • have contingency plans and alternative suppliers in place as far as possible. MOD must also  remain adaptable and responsive to external influences; and
  • manage the contract and the supplier in a positive, structured, close but not oppressive manner.  

The benefits of the contract, including enhanced operational readiness, cost efficiency, access to technological advancements, and reliable expertise, seem substantial. However, it is equally important for the MOD to be mindful of potential risks such as dependency on a single supplier, cost overruns, technological obsolescence, and geopolitical factors. Good luck!


The election of Donald Trump in the US was one of the biggest global news stories of 2024, but our election back in July was significant for the UK, as voters rejected the Conservative government which had been in charge for some 14 years. The feeling that it was ‘time for a change’ was overwhelming, and the last few years felt chaotic with infighting and clear incompetence in evidence from the ruling party.

However, six months into the new Labour government, initial public enthusiasm has already worn thin given tax rises, stories about Ministers receiving gifts and entertainment and some dubious policy decisions.  But how is Labour doing in terms of public procurement?

In truth, it is too early to say. The implementation of the new Procurement Act was postponed from October to February 2025, and we are waiting for the ‘National procurement policy statement’ which in theory will set out the overarching priorities for public procurement.

But the early indications have not been too promising. Labour came to power promising better governance and a fight against corruption, but have done very little. The much-vaunted ‘Covid Corruption Commissioner’ has turned out to be a part-time appointment for 12 months, with limited resources behind him, and a wider brief than expected.

Other areas of potential corruption have not been tackled. The way money has been spent and some very dubious public procurement up on Teesside, which Private Eye has been going on about for years, really needs proper investigation, but there has been nothing at all from Labour. (The mayor, Ben Houchen, is a Tory, although maybe Prime Minister Starmer thinks Houchen could defect at some point – that is the only reason I can see for not taking a look at his activities).

The furore over tickets for events and gifts of clothing to politicians demonstrated a lack of awareness of how this would be perceived, and some very silly comments from Labour supporters saying, ‘oh well, everyone in the private sector behaves like that’. That received swift rebuttal from many of us pointing out that firms we worked for had pretty strict policies on such matters, and no, I’d never had a pair of glasses bought for me by a supplier!

Then we have the spending review announced in December with  goal to find “efficiency savings within government spending of 5%”, which looks like an unchallenging re-tread of previous approaches.  But hang on a minute, “departments will be asked to reach this figure over the three-year review period, and will be able to reallocate money saved within their budgets”.  So not really savings at all then, just moving the money around to give the impression of activity!

 It also demonstrated a general lack of understanding of procurement (and business generally) amongst Ministers. Not one member of the Cabinet has any real business background, sadly. The Treasury said that external experts would be brought in to help the review, to “include former senior management of Lloyd’s Banking Group, Barclays Bank and the Co-operative Group”.

Having been a procurement director in the financial services sector, I know that banks have not exactly been the best-run businesses from a procurement and general efficiency point of view. Far better to have looked to sectors such as automotive, pharma, or consumer goods to get some more advanced ideas.

A naivety about commercial matters was evident elsewhere too. To Labour’s credit, they set out plans in November to prevent companies that run children’s homes from making excess profits, as many appear to do whilst also providing sub-standard services.  But the mechanisms proposed are naïve.  The BBC reported that “will require major care home providers to share their finances with the government, so it can challenge what it describes as profiteering. This will also include a “backstop” law that would place a limit on those profits, which the government can put into effect if the companies do not do so voluntarily”.

But this only applies to large providers who account for about a quarter of the market. And the lack of commercial understanding comes through in the suggestion that the answer is to ask those firms nicely to charge fair prices, and take action if they are ‘profiteering’ (whatever that means).

Of course, any of us who have been in procurement for a few years can immediately think of half a dozen ways in which a supplier can disguise or manipulate profit figures. Just pay the directors more for instance… or use inter-company loans … or set up subsidiaries to move money around… 

This lack of commercial experience and capability at the political level is a problem for Labour. It also suggests that the appointment of a successor to Gareth Rhys Williams as government’s Chief Commercial Officer is even more important than it might have been. Of course, one person can’t be expected to fix everything, but I suspect the new GCCO will need to spend a lot of time educating Ministers and explaining how the world of commercial and procurement matters really works.

In the legendary Philip Green review of 2010, the new UK Prime Minister David Cameron asked the retail entrepreneur to take a look at government procurement. Some years later, the rumour spread that Cameron actually wanted the Philip Green who was CEO of United Utilities (and later chairman of Carillion when it went under) to carry out the work – but his staff asked the wrong Philip Green!

Anyway, the TopShop leader looked at government procurement and came up with stunning recommendations – data was poor, buyers paid different prices and government should centralise more. All the usual stuff. He also invited some senior civil servants to his private suite at a 5-star hotel in order to complain to them that some government staff were spending £100 a night on hotel rooms in London…

The other rumour was that his final report was so unprofessional, another bunch of civil servants had to rush off and convert it into something presentable at the last minute before his presentation to Cameron. You can still see it now here, and it is pretty shoddy work. This sort of thing: “We found the following variations in price for laptops: Highest price: £2,000 Lowest price: £353 Differential: 82%.”

So might they have been different laptops, I wonder?  There was no mention of specifications here.  His solution was “government should buy direct from a multinational manufacturer’. Well, yes, that should do it.  And London hotel costs varied from £77 a night to £117.  Shocking!  He suggested mandating video conferencing.

To be fair, Crown Commercial Services and others in government procurement have got better at looking at markets and choosing the best procurement option and of course Green was correct to point out some failings.

But all this came to mind on reading that Elon Musk has been appointed to lead a new ‘Department of Government Efficiency’ in the US.  This will be the immovable object of US government procurement process and regulation against the unstoppable force of Elon Musk’s ego and self-regard. It has the potential to be hilarious (if you’re not too close to it, anyway).

Trump said in a statement that Musk and co-leader Vivek Ramaswamy (another entrepreneur and previous Presidential candidate who has some VERY odd views) “will pave the way for my Administration to dismantle Government Bureaucracy, slash excess regulations, cut wasteful expenditures, and restructure Federal Agencies.”  The new body won’t be a government agency but will ‘create an entrepreneurial approach to government never seen before’. Their appointment is only until July 2026, which is also interesting, as it means everyone knows they only have to resist the duo for 18 months and they will be gone …

How will this play out for Musk and his mate? To begin with, lots of people are no doubt pouring over the detail of every contract he has ever signed with government, in SpaceX or elsewhere, looking for ‘inefficiencies’.  They will find that ‘waste and fraud’ exists but is much harder to root out than they think.

In the procurement space, then they will come up against all the usual barriers to saving money quickly, including long-term contracts that can’t just be re-negotiated, the need to run lengthy competitive processes or get sued by annoyed potential suppliers, lack of skills and resource in government procurement… and if he brings in external support to help (the Department has no staff currently), he’ll get castigated for ‘wasting money’ on consultants.  

So for instance he could reduce the ‘bureaucracy’ of procurement by getting rid of all the rules and processes around supporting smaller or minority-owned firms. But the biggest group that benefits from that in the US is probably military veterans, so presumably that wouldn’t go down well with Trump supporters.

He could cut through the regulations and give buyers more discretion, or even allow more non-competitive procurement processes. But for every supplier that benefits from a direct-award type contract, there are usually several who don’t like it. Watch out for a boom in legal challenges if this is a route he takes.

He might genuinely save money by simply stopping spend in certain areas. No new laptops or  consultancy contracts for the next 12 months, that sort of thing. That works, until another Trump favourite complains to the President that they can’t implement their new policies because they can’t engage McKinsey to help. Or buy a laptop.

Anyway, maybe I’ll be surprised and the two of them will turn out to be thoughtful, innovative and effective reformers of US government spending / acquisition / procurement. It’s going to be ‘fun’ watching from afar, anyway.

The headlines in the UK have been dominated in recent days about whether it is acceptable for politicians to receive gifts and hospitality from political donors. The new Labour government has come under fire for taking money to buy clothing as well as accepting tickets to Taylor Swift concerts and football matches. Looking at it from a procurement perspective, I’ve spotted three major fallacies in how Ministers have defended their actions.

Fallacy 1 – “Well it’s within the rules”. 

The obvious answer here is that “well, the rules are wrong.”  And once your party is in charge, or if you are the new CPO / head of procurement function, you have an opportunity to change the rules. So Labour people accepted these gifts when they were the opposition and no-one noticed too much. But wouldn’t it have been great if the Prime Minister had announced a major “clean up politics” initiative in his first weeks in power? You’re in charge now people, you can make the rules based on what is ethically right.

Fallacy 2 – “It’s OK as long as I declare it”.

No, it is not.

I discovered this issue when I joined the civil service way back in the 1990s. I was told by my team that there was a register of gifts and hospitality, and that made everything OK. As long as things were registered, it was all fine.

The counter to that is pretty obvious. If I registered a two-week holiday in the Seychelles paid for by a current supplier, or my category manager accepted a gift of a Rolex from a firm that is going to bid on the forthcoming major tender, is that OK? Of course not. The other problem with the “register” concept is that it often is an “after the event” process. In other words, I’ve already been to the Seychelles and my category manager is already proudly showing off his new watch before anything is public or able to be approved.

So that was the immediate change I was able to make in my civil service role. Staff would need to ask permission before accepting anything – if their boss or I said “yes”, then it could be recorded in the register. But you ask permission before you do or accept anything. Incidentally, I do believe that sometimes corporate hospitality can be justified as a way of building relationships at a senior level, maybe with a key strategic supplier,. If Bill Gates was in the UK and invited my software category manager to join him for a lunch, I’d absolutely say yes.  Or if I’d travelled to Brittany to inspect a new dairy and talk to the owners (as I did at Mars, at our corporate expense), then I’m not going to refuse a quick steak frites lunch in the local café!

Fallacy 3 – “I am incorruptible, so it doesn’t matter what I accept”. 

You will hear this a lot, usually from senior people, particularly if you try and tighten up an ethics policy. They are respected and respectable people, they are affluent, and of course they would not give a supplier a contract merely because they were entertained at the Cup Final or got a Harrods hamper at Christmas.

There are a number of problems with this. Firstly, it is exactly what a genuinely corrupt person would say if challenged. If I was actually giving a supplier contracts unfairly, or facilitating them being paid a higher price than the market dictates, and receiving bribes in return, then that is how I would respond if challenged.

Secondly, even if you don’t feel consciously that you now owe the supplier something, and you haven’t been asked for anything in return, you are now obligated. That is a basic aspect of human psychology, proven in experiments.

“Since gifts represent our desire to build or cement a relationship, they also require some form of reciprocation. Contemporary sociologist Dimitri Mortelmans argues that gift giving creates a “debt-balance”, so to prevent ill feelings gifts must be repaid creating a cycle of gift giving”.

It is why gift-giving is a key element in many communities, probably going back to pre-historic times. You exchange gifts with the neighbouring tribe, you are less likely to kill each other. That’s the positive side; but in a business context, it means I feel somewhat obliged to you when it comes to marking that latest tender.

So do Lord Ali and other gift-givers want something in return from Labour? Possibly not – perhaps they just like the people and the Party. But if they do want something, it is clear that there will be powerful people now who feel some obligation because of gifts. That is just human nature. I would be less nervous actually if all gifts were given to the Party, which can then decide whether the PM’s spectacles or Bridget Phillipson’s party is a good use of funds. But the personal nature of these gifts feels risky.

I also wonder whether one problem is that few people work in “proper” companies before they get into politics. If Labour had a few more ex Martians or Marks and Spencers veterans on board, they might be more sensitive to these issues.

I’ve generally stayed away from writing about the Grenfell fire tragedy. It just seemed too serious and horrible an issue to be talking about “bad buying” and technical procurement issues. What the victims went through is just unimaginable.

The Phase 2 report from the Inquiry was released recently and it is quite rightly highly critical of quite a range of people and organisations. Companies in the sector that provided materials used in the building; the architects and designers; the local authority and housing managers; central government civil servants; then-Minister Eric Pickles; the London fire brigade… they all bear some responsibility for what happened. Wider failures in building regulations and fire safety also contributed.

CIPS (the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply) contributed strongly to the Inquiry, initially chairing the Procurement Working Group as part of the Hackitt Review of building regulation and fire safety (leading to the Building a Safer Future report).  What became clear, CIPS says, is “there were many examples of poor commercial practices in the years leading up to the fire, focusing on price and margin at the expense of safety.”

I often hear complaints that public procurement is “all about price and nothing else”. I always push back on that and say that in my experience, price or even total cost is always an evaluation factor, but the vast majority of procurement exercises also consider other non-cost factors, which have serious weighting in the evaluation model. But it is probably fair to say that some parts of the construction procurement world have not exactly been at the leading edge of good practice thinking.

That seemed evident from the report, where too many decisions were made simply to save money rather than through a proper consideration of all the true “value for money” factors. And if a value for money model doesn’t include looking at the chances of killing people, then it should. This is from the Phase 2 executive summary report. (TMO is the “tenant management organisation” that was responsible for Grenfell).

“Although Rydon’s tender was judged to be the most competitive, it still exceeded the TMO’s budget. As a result, although the TMO had received advice from its lawyers that it would be improper to do so, it entered into discussions with Rydon before the procurement process had been completed leading to an agreement that, if Rydon were awarded the contract, it would reduce its price to an acceptable level”.

Illegal, bad practice, and of course led to Rydon, the principal contractor on the tower refurb, being focused very firmly on cost minimisation.

It was also shocking to see that the firms involved, including those that had basically lied about the products they were supplying, or had hidden test results, continued to win public sector work after Grenfell.

The Guardian reported that about £250m in public deals have been made in the past five years with corporations involved in the high-rise’s refurbishment, according to searches of public contracts by the outsourcing data firm Tussell for the Guardian. They include companies currently or formerly owned by Saint-Gobain, which made the combustible Celotex insulation used on the tower, and Rydon, the main contractor for the works”.

Now the new UK (excluding Scotland) Procurement Act includes what are in theory stronger provisions to allow firms to be barred from public procurement competitions. The Prime Minister told Parliament that he wanted to ban the firms involved here. “This government will write to all companies found by the inquiry to have been part of these horrific failings as the first step to stopping them being awarded government contracts,” Starmer pledged.

That doesn’t seem as strong as you might expect, but no doubt there will be process that must be followed if we want to avoid legal challenge from those suppliers. I’ve been somewhat cynical about the chances of the new “debarment regime” in the Act really being effective, but I sincerely hope I’m wrong and these firms are kicked out of public business for a very long time.

It is difficult for individuals within large organisations to speak up sometimes. We can all get caught up in the corporate “groupthink” and perhaps misplaced loyalty.  (Look at all the people in the Post Office who knew the Horizon system was dodgy and that postmasters were being treated appallingly, but said nothing).  Grenfell shows how terrible the consequences of that sort of behaviour can be. So if your firm is expecting you to lie or deceive others about the chances of your product killing people, then perhaps you really should say something.

I’ve been intending to tell this story for a couple of months now, but prevarication is a terrible thing, as we will see.

I owned – well, I still do – a Huawei mobile phone that I got on a monthly contract with Vodafone in (I think) 2017, although it may have been a little earlier. In October 2021 I fell off my bicycle (embarrassing, 200 yards from home, going up a slightly higher than I expected kerb). I fell onto my phone which was in my pocket, the rear casing got badly cracked, so I “repaired” it with Sellotape. I had the intention to replace the phone from then onwards, but it did work, and I replaced the tape every few months.

Finally I went into the Vodafone shop in Camberley in May. My first visit, it turned out I had to change something on my account before they could do anything for me – that was a bit of a process. So I went back a couple of weeks later and I’m sorry to say the two women working in the shop laughed at me! Twice!

They had met me once before so maybe they felt more comfortable having a good laugh when they saw the state of my phone. Apparently the Sellotape was funny, can’t see why myself…  But then the woman who was helping me laughed again when she opened my account on her system and saw the charges.  It was perhaps more of a gasp than a laugh. “You’re paying how much a month?” she exclaimed.

Well of course I had been suffering from the “inflation plus 79.3%” or whatever it is standard contract for 7 or 8 years, and I didn’t really even look at the monthly direct debit to be honest.  I hate to admit it,  but it was about £40 a month for an ancient, knackered phone and really not very much data at all!

There was some more chuckling when she did the transfer of data to the new phone, which took ages  – “your old phone was pretty much on its last legs”, she said.

The Vodafone staff were great actually, I went for the buy my own phone option then a monthly contract and they saved me £50 on the phone by suggesting something surprising, which I won’t repeat here in case it gets them into trouble. So I have ended up with a total cost of ownership that has probably reduced by 50% and gives me much a better contract, hardware and capability.

So, apart from giving you the chance to have a laugh at me, supposedly a serious and experienced procurement professional, why am I telling you this? It just struck me that putting things like this off is always very easy. There always seemed something more urgent or important to do rather than take an hour or two to go and sort out my phone. I was procrastinating for over two years. Or there was an excuse. “I won’t replace it just before Reading Festival in case I lose it / gets damaged” etc.

And we do tend to do the same in our working lives. We know we should review that contract, or look for a new supplier because our current one isn’t really performing, or check out the latest market forecasts and see if we should go “long” on that commodity. But something more urgent comes up. Our internal customer wants to see us NOW.  The CFO wants a report on how to save 10% on everything by Christmas. If I don’t go online at 10am I won’t get my Taylor Swift tickets…

But the cost of delaying all mounts up. In my case, it’s not just the fact that I probably overpaid by the best part of a thousand pounds over the last few years, it is also that I missed the functionality I could have had with a new phone. So prioritisation, which must be accompanied by good general planning, is an undervalued skill in my opinion. I’ve worked with people who were brilliant in almost every way, but could not prioritise.  If this is you, it is important, do work on it.

Clearly, I’m not perfect (!), but also have a think about whether you’re missing some possibly quick and easy wins, in work or in life generally, just because you “never get round to it”.

Yes, as we’re into the UK election campaign now, articles for the next few weeks may well have a political theme I’m afraid.

Alex Burghart has been in his role for 18 months, which given the turnover in the “UK Minister for Public Procurement” role over the previous few years is a positive. He is a teacher and academic by background, with a PhD in History, who then became a political adviser. So no business experience, but a clever guy, clearly. He spoke at the Procurex National event in Liverpool last month, and his speech is now up on the Cabinet Office website. So first of all, let’s give him credit for showing up and also to Procurex for getting him to attend. Let’s have a look at some of his comments on the new UK public procurement regulations, due to come in to force in October, with my comments on various of his remarks.

“And at the heart of this is ensuring more transparency than ever before, so that we’re spending taxpayers’ money in a way that can be properly scrutinised”.

Rather oddly, that is about all he says in terms of transparency, which is actually one of the biggest changes in the Regulations, with a host of new requirements for buyers. I’m in favour of more transparency but I do worry about the workload burden for already stretched organisations.

A new duty will require any contracting authority to consider SMEs, to take account of their unique challenges, and we have introduced 30-day payment terms on a broader range of contracts, in response to what SMEs asked us to do”.

“Consider” SMEs does not of course mean using them. I’ve written many times before about the daft SME target for government spend and indeed I do not really see why we support SMEs rather than social enterprises, minority owned firms, local firms, innovative start-ups… The answer is political of course.  So we’ll see whether the Act has any impact on public procurement SME spend – I have my doubts.

“We’re also creating a new central digital platform for suppliers to register and store their details, so that they can be used for multiple bids, and enable them to see all the opportunities in one place”.

Yes, good idea, Sally Collier and I proposed this in 2009 when I was working in government. But given the track record of government developing new platforms, I’ve got my fingers crossed for this one.

“It puts a requirement on public bodies to provide feedback on bids, giving you greater consistency of feedback, helping you shape your next bid”.

This is one of a couple of rather odd or misleading statements from Burghart. There has been a requirement to provide feedback for as long as I can remember and indeed, there are some concerns that the new requirements may lead to less useful feedback. But we’ll have to see how that pans out. Not new or radical though in any sense.

“We are making value for money a core part of our process – ensuring that all contracting authorities must place value for money at the forefront of all procurement activities”.

So what were we basing our procurement decisions on up to now? It seems odd, particularly for a party that has been in charge for 14 years, to suggest that public procurement hasn’t been based on value for money up to now!  But it has, this is just nonsense, unless I’m missing something.

But, perhaps most importantly, we are also going to create a register, accessible to all public sector organisations, that will list suppliers who must – or may – be excluded from contracts.

This is clearly NOT the most important aspect of the new regulations. (I would say that the flexibility to design new procurement processes, which he didn’t really mention, and the transparency rules are the most important).  It is to be welcomed, but benefits will be limited and the proof will be in the implementation. I will be amazed if there are more than a handful – literally – of suppliers on this list by the end of 2025, let’s say. It is well-meaning but will prove very difficult to implement.

A new National Security Unit for procurement in the Cabinet Office will review suppliers for potential risk to our national security in a way never achieved before. It will also conduct investigations and make debarment recommendations to Ministers alongside the Procurement Review Unit, which will do the same for other exclusion grounds.

That sounds good but again let’s see if it actually has any real effect.

Not a bad speech then, all in all, but assuming there isn’t a miracle on July 4th, the Tories will be blaming Labour for “not implementing the new regulations properly” if it all proves to be a disappointment. Burghart has what looks like a very safe seat, even with the predicted swings, so he may well still be around to comment anyway. Indeed, he might be Leader of the Opposition the way things are going.

After writing last week about competence in UK local government, as if by magic, a case of alleged fraud in a council very close to my home popped into view the other day.

Now several of my local councils haven’t been doing very well in recent years in terms of looking after taxpayers money. The Tory council in Surrey Heath, where I live, now ousted by the LibDems, bought well over £100 million worth of commercial property in Camberley right at the top of the market, and is now sitting on a loss in asset value of £50 million or so. Woking council, a few miles to the east, has basically gone bust after property deals and investments that make Surrey Heath’s look minor.

And now Guildford, to the south-east, has published a report into what is an alleged fraud and is at best a prime example of Bad Buying in its housing department. Two employees have been suspended and five agency workers had their contracts terminated.

The report to the Council by Jeanette McGarry of SOLACE, (the society of local government CEOs), is good but focused more on the governance issues rather than the procurement events. That may be because the matter is with the police now and an arrest was made in March, so precise details of the core issues may be sub judice.

But basically, a contractor working on the council’s housing stock was paid far more than the original contract value (which is not disputed) and also there was a possibility (as the report says),

  1. That work may have been ordered when it wasn’t necessary;
  2. That work may have been ordered, invoiced and paid for when it was not completed at all or;
  3. Not to a satisfactory standard;
  4. That duplicate invoices may have been submitted and paid for the same work;
  5. That works may have been ordered and undertaken that were not the responsibility of the Council.

Back in 2022, the council agreed to spend £24.5 to update its housing stock. But there were no in-house surveyors and doesn’t appear to have been much in the way of internal procurement either, as “Several agency staff were appointed and were able to appoint housing repair and maintenance contractors”.

A three-year contract for £2.4 million was agreed for EICR (electrical installation condition reports) testing and inspection to Seville Developments Ltd, “under direct award” via a framework. This was apparently achieved under the Council’s procurement process and “was found to be compliant”. I’d like to know more about how a direct award of that size could be acceptable, and if there was no competition within the framework, but the report does not go into that.

But the council realised in 2023 that expenditure had reached £18.9 million with Seville, with no authorisation or action taken such as contract variation. At this time, “the Corporate Procurement Team was staffed solely by temporary officers and there is evidence that an officer identified the unauthorised expenditure and raised this with the Housing client but did not escalate the matter”.  

Whistleblowing concerns were raised in 2023, and the staff suspensions and terminations took place in September 23, and in March 24 “An arrest was made by the South East Regional Organised Crime Unit”.

If we look at the anti-fraud measures outlined in my Bad Buying book, we can see a number of flaws in the Guildford process. There will I suspect be questions around the lack of transparency in supplier selection. Then we have the issues on signing off work – was that power too concentrated? Perhaps the biggest question is how on earth invoices that exceeded the contract value by £16 million got signed off and paid – that entire budget control process at Guildford must have been absolutely pathetic.

But an interesting point which is not one I really covered in the book is this dependence on contractors and temporary staff. To have a procurement team that is entirely “temporary officers” brings obvious dangers. It is not that contractors are necessarily crooks, but they cannot have the knowledge of the organisation and the internal relationships that are vital when things go wrong or strange events occur.

I also don’t understand why if Guildford was so short of staff, they didn’t call on Orbis for help. Orbis is the shared service organisation, hosted by Surrey County Council, that runs procurement for Surrey, East Sussex, and Brighton councils, and does a pretty good job. Surely they could have assisted Guildford if the council there couldn’t find its own procurement staff?

Anyway, another case study for “Bad Buying 2”!

As the results come in from local elections in England, it is clear that basically the country just wants the Conservative Party to go, the sooner the better. I don’t think there is huge enthusiasm for anyone else but most of the public are just sick of the infighting, incompetence and idiocy of the ruling party in recent years.

However, will changing our local councils make things better? A very interesting article in The Times   looked at data provided by a new agency, the Office for Local Government (Oflog). Ministers set up Oflog last summer to provide “authoritative and accessible” performance data to support improvement in local government.

The data looks at the efficiency and effectiveness of local councils across 27 categories in five main areas: waste management, corporate and finance, adult social care, planning and roads. It revealed for example that some councils have recycling rates that are twice as good as others and that some authorities are failing to process half of planning applications on time, while others are not late on a single one. The figures also show the extent to which many councils are struggling with debts, with six local authorities already having declared themselves bankrupt since 2021. That is certainly in part becuase of lower funding from the centre of government, but competence (or lack of) seems to come into play too in most cases.

The Times accessed all the data to look at variations, which are huge and pretty inexplicable other than by sheer management competence. For example, in the year to September 2022, Hinckley & Bosworth borough council in the East Midlands completed less than half of household planning applications on time. But Tamworth borough council, just 30 miles away, was not late on any.  

The Times also came up with league tables to see if there was any political correlation with performance. Nottingham (Labour controlled) was the worst performing authority. Torridge district council, on the north Devon coast, came top of the table – it is run by independent councillors.

But the results actually supported a theory I’ve held for years, suggesting it is not that the Conservatives (Tories) are generically better or worse than Labour in terms of competence (with the Lib Dems in the picture too in a smaller way). Of the ten worst-performing councils, six are controlled by Labour. Of the ten best-performing councils, six are in coalition or are run by independents, while the Liberal Democrats and the Conservatives run two each.  Eight of the ten worst-performing county councils or rural unitary authorities are controlled by the Conservatives – while seven of the best-performing ten are in coalition or run by independents.

So what it does seem to show is that the worst-performing councils are almost always in areas, towns or cities where there has been a long-term dominant party, whether that is Labour or Tory. Conversely, the best-performing councils are generally more contested, so independents rule the roost, or no single party has a clear majority, or power has changed hands over recent years.

That stands to reason really. If there is a long-term dominant party, there is more scope for arrogance to creep into decision making, or fraud and corruption to spring up, and there is less scrutiny of decisions. “Bad buying”, whether it is just wasting money on frivolous or unnecessary spending, or more serious fraudulent or corrupt expenditure, is more likely where power is well entrenched. Take fraud for example. You are less likely to bribe a councillor, or to stand as a councillor yourself so you can influence planning decisions for nefarious purposes, if it is not clear who will be in charge after the next election.

Similarly, some of the arrogance we have seen in councils such as Woking, where the dominant Tory council invested hundreds of millions in unwise property deals, or in Nottingham, where the council (Labour in power since 1991, 50 of 55 councillors) thought it could run an energy firm better than the professionals, came about I’d suggest in part at least because the councillors thought they were unchallengeable and had complete power.  My own council, Surrey Heath, has also lost money – not as much as Woking though – on property deals put in place by a very arrogant Tory leadership. But last year for the first time ever the Lib Dems took power here.  

However, the correlation is far from perfect. Thurrock, where the council is now suing “businessman” Liam Kavanagh, who allegedly cheated the council out of over £100 million with dodgy solar farm investment schemes (hopefully the ex-finance head at the council will end up in court too), has actually had a few changes of council over the years.

But Liverpool is another example where single-party dominance led to a culture of corruption. Even after commissioners came in to run the City in 2021, the job description I saw for the Head of Procurement role still did not suggest a real appetite to put in place all the controls and governance you would want to see as a taxpayer!

Anyway, all this suggests that if your main interest as a voter is in the effective running of local services, rather than any deep political beliefs, you should aim to keep your local council and councillors on their toes by creating a competitive environment. How you can best do that will vary by area and even local electoral ward. But that seems the best strategy if you want your money to be used honestly and well.